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David Schmidtz’s Visit
Date:2016-04-22  Clicks:218

David Schmidtz, Kendrick Professor of Philsophy, and the Director of Freedom Center at University of Arizona visited our school. During the visit from March 23 to March 29, Professor Schmidtz engaged in a series of interactions with the teachers and students of the school of philosophy.

On March 24, Professor Schmidtz delivered a lecture on “Reasonable Idealism”, in which he made a distinction between reasonable idealism and unreasonable idealism.

On March 26, scholars from Wuhan university, East China Normal University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, as well as the editors of Shanghai People's Publishing House, held a panel on Professor Schmidtz’s ‘Person, Polis and Planet’ book. Professor Schmidtz appreciated everyone’s comments and responded to those comments.

The visit to Wuhan University impressed Professor Schmidtz. He thanked the school of philosophy for warm reception and spoke highly of the school’s international outreaches and students’ performance. And Professor Schmidtz  also looks forward to further cooperation with the school of philosophy .
