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Atus Mariqueo-Russell
Date:2024-12-12  Clicks:6

Atus Mariqueo-Russell

Contact: atusmariqueorussell[at]gmail.com

Website: https://philpeople.org/profiles/atus-mariqueo-russell

Overview: I received my PhD from the University of Southampton in November 2023. I have been working as  an international research fellow at Wuhan University since September 2024. My work considers issues at the intersection of moral psychology and value theory.

Areas of specialisation: Ethics (Moral Psychology, Normative Ethics, Well-being).

Areas of competence: Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy.


September 2024 – Present: International Research Fellow – Wuhan University

January 2024 – July 2024: Teaching Fellow – University of Southampton


November 2023: PhD in Philosophy (pass, no corrections) University of Southampton

                 Thesis: “A defense of the desire theory of well-being.”

Supervisors: Alex Gregory and Brian McElwee.

Examiners: Guy Fletcher (external) and Kurt Sylvan (internal).

June 2019: Master of Philosophical Studies Birkbeck, University of London

Thesis: Well-being. Topics: Aristotle, Ethics, Political Philosophy.

July 2014: BA (Hons) Philosophy and English Literature (First Class) Anglia Ruskin University

Journal Articles

Mariqueo-Russell, A. (2023). Well-being and the problem of unstable desires. Utilitas, 35(4), 260–276. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0953820823000171

Mariqueo-Russell, A. (2023). Desire and motivation in desire theories of well-being. Philosophical Studies, 180(7), 1975–1994. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11098-023-01966-y

Invited Papers

Mariqueo-Russell, A. (2017). Rights of nature and the precautionary principle. RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society, 6, 21–27. https://doi.org/10.5282/rcc/8211 [Translated into Portuguese and republished as: Mariqueo-Russell, A. (2022). Direitos da natureza e o princípio da precaução. Revista Latino-Americana de Direitos da Natureza e dos Animais, 5(1), 7–16].


Mariqueo-Russell, A. & Read, R. (2019). Fully automated luxury barbarism. Radical Philosophy, 2.06, 108–110.