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Rudi Capra
Date:2024-12-12  Clicks:0

His research interests revolve around the concept of personal identity in East Asian and Ancient Greek cultures through literature and visual arts, dealing with topics such as travel, play, well-being, alienation, freedom and death. He is also a film critic.


Chinese Philosophy

Ancient Greek Philosophy




Philosophy of Film

Philosophy of Play

Japanese Philosophy

Most recent selected publications


(forth., provisional title) "The Laughing Buddha. Irony and Playfulness in Chinese Buddhism"

2024 "Filosofia del Viaggio" (Philosophy of Travel), Mimesis Edizioni


(forth.) "Perception of Nature vs. Reality of Nature. The Appeal-to-nature Argument in Ancient Chinese Thought"

2024 “Prolegomena to the study of Youxi Sanmei 遊戲三昧. Buddhist sacred play between agonism and mimicry” in Asian Philosophy 34.4: 375-388

2023 “Towards a Universal Eudaimonism? Aristippus and Zhuangzi on Play, Dependence and the Good Life” in Trópos. Journal of Hermeneutics and Philosophical Criticism 14.2: 75-103

2022 “Kierkegaardian Irony in Chan Buddhism – Playful Enactment in Ritual Encounters from a Cross-Cultural Perspective” in Philosophy East and West (UHP) 72.3: 648-670

2022 “Suna no Bi 砂の美 – A Critical Appreciation of Sand in Japanese Karesansui 枯山水 Gardens” in Rivista di Estetica 30: 30-47

2020 “Go Trampling on Vairocana’s Head! Role and Functions of Irony in the Blue Cliff Record” in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Springer) 19:4: 601-618