The Department Library of the school of philosophy aims to provide an extensive collection of professional references for the teachers and students. Over the years, the Department Library establishes a comprehensive system of books for teaching and research. It ranks high among the philosophy libraries in China.
So far the Department Library comprises about 90000 volumes which include a number of Chinese and Foreign Classical works of philosophy. Those books partly come from the donation of some leading scholars and academic institutions.
The Norman Kretzmann Library established by the donations from international scholars, academic institutions and publishers. There are more than 10000 volumes English language books and journals of philosophy and Religious Studies in the Norman Kretzmann Library, which fulfills the research needs.
There are more than 200 subscriptions to Chinese and international Journals in the Department Library such as Kant Studien, American Philosophical Quarterly, International Philosophical Quarterly, British Journal of Aesthetics, Continental Philosophy Review, Journal of Philosophical Logic, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, Philosophy of Religion, The Journal of Religion, Amreican Psychologist, Philosophical Researches,Philosophical Trends and Chinese Philosophy. It also covers the social science journals published by various provinces and cities. The Department Library also includes Humanistic and Social Science Journals edited by leading Chinese universities. While works of the faculty of the school of philosophy over the years are collected in the Department Library, the degree theses of MA and PhD students are also archived in it.
The Department Library is part of the University Library that is managed by the system ALEPH. All department library books are catalogued on OPAC which displays the location of materials and indicates if they are available to check out. The materials are available to the whole university, while the lending service is only accessible to the faculty and students of the school of Philosophy.
The Department Library is located on the second floor of North wing of the school, covering a area of 600 square meters. It has room 1 for back issues, reference books as well as special collections, room 2 for Chinese books and foreign books, current periodicals reading-room, electronic reading-room and cataloging room.